Source code for api_example.endpoints.predict

import logging
import pydantic

import pandas as pd

from api_example.settings.app_settings import Settings, get_settings
from api_example.endpoints.router import router
from api_example.load_model import load_model

[docs] class InputData(pydantic.BaseModel): feature_1: float = 10.0
endpoint_description = "My project description."
[docs]"/predict", description=endpoint_description) def predict(request_data: InputData) -> dict: """Predict the output based on the input data. Args: request_data (InputData): The input data for the prediction. Returns: dict: The output of the prediction. """ settings: Settings = get_settings() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(settings.log_level)"[API::predict] Request data: {request_data}") input_data = request_data.dict()"[API::predict] Input data: {input_data}") # Read the Pickled model from the file-system model = load_model(settings=settings) # Prepare the data for the model data = pd.DataFrame.from_records([input_data]) # Make the prediction predictions = model.predict(data) # Basic example of how to return the predictions output = {} output["predictions"] = predictions[0]"[API::predict] Prediction made: {output}") # return output