Source code for api_example.load_model

import logging
import pickle
import pathlib
from cachetools.func import ttl_cache
from typing import Union

from api_example.errors import APIModelNotFoundError, APIModelNotLoadableError
from api_example.settings.app_settings import Settings

[docs] @ttl_cache(maxsize=1, ttl=86400) def load_model(settings: Settings): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(settings.log_level) ai_model_external_url: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = settings.ai_model_external_url"[API::load_model] Machine Learning (ML) model " \ f"pickle file: {ai_model_external_url}") # Read the Pickled model from the file-system model_filepath = pathlib.Path(ai_model_external_url) model = None if not model_filepath.exists(): err_msg = "[API::load_model] The model file " "({model_filepath}) cannot be found" raise APIModelNotFoundError(err_msg) with open(model_filepath, "rb") as f:"[API::load_model] Load model from " f"{model_filepath}...") model = pickle.load(f) if not model: err_msg = ( "[API::load_model] The model file " "({model_filepath}) cannot be loaded back into memory" ) raise APIModelNotLoadableError(err_msg) "[API::load_model] The ML model has been " f"successfully loaded from {model_filepath}" ) return model