Source code for jax_utils.jax_tensor

"""Wrappers around jax arrays"""

from numbers import Number
from typing import (

import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax_dataclasses as jdc
from jax import nn
from typing_extensions import Self

from jax_utils.compilation import BaseJaxCompilable, jit_when_compilation_enabled
from jax_utils.pytree import ConvertibleToAxes
from jax_utils.common_tensor import AverageableArrayLike, RegularizedArrayLikeCost, Tensor

AxisType = TypeVar("AxisType", bound=Hashable)

[docs] @runtime_checkable class JaxTensor(Tensor[jnp.ndarray, AxisType], ConvertibleToAxes[AxisType], Protocol[AxisType]): """Interface representing a ``Tensor`` with a `JAX <>`_ ``array``. A ``JaxTensor`` is always "convertible to axes" (see :class:`jax_utils.pytree.ConvertibleToAxes` interface) using :meth:`jax_utils.pytree.ConvertibleToAxes.convert_to_axes` method. When a ``Tensor`` is "converted to axes", the associated ``array`` attribute is no longer a JAX array but rather an integer indicating the dimension index of the specified ``axis`` (argument of method ``convert_to_axes``). If ``axis`` is flattened or not present, ``self.array`` is set to ``None`` when converted to axes. Converting a :class:`jax_utils.jax_tensor.JaxTensor` to axes is useful to determine the ``in_axes`` and ``out_axes`` arguments of `jax.vmap <>`_ and `jax.pmap <>`_. Args: array (jnp.ndarray): a JAX array (or an optional integer when "converted to axes") """ array: jnp.ndarray def __init__(self, array: jnp.ndarray, **kwargs): self.array = array super().__init__() def __post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.array, jnp.ndarray): # in case the class is instantiated as a PyTreeDef (e.g., for vmap), # self.array may be an int, None, ... super().__post_init__()
[docs] def is_broadcastable_with( self, other_tensor_or_shape: Union[Tensor[jnp.ndarray, AxisType], Tuple[int, ...]], ) -> bool: if isinstance(self.array, jnp.ndarray): # in case the class is instantiated as a PyTreeDef (e.g., for vmap), # self.array may be an int, None, ... return super().is_broadcastable_with(other_tensor_or_shape) return True
[docs] @classmethod def from_flattened_axes( cls, array: jnp.ndarray, flattened_axes: AbstractSet[AxisType], **kwargs ) -> Self: """ Constructor when some axes are "flattened" in ``array``. This method simply adds missing dimensions accordingly. Args: array (jnp.ndarray): a JAX array flattened_axes (AbstractSet[AxisType]): the named axes that are "flattened" Returns: Self: an instance of class ``cls`` """ return cls( array=jnp.expand_dims(array, axis=cls._expand_dims_axis(flattened_axes)), **kwargs )
[docs] def convert_to_axes(self, axis: Optional[AxisType]) -> Self: """Convert the :class:`jax_utils.jax_tensor.JaxTensor` object so that it can be passed as the ``in_axes`` or ``out_axes`` arguments of `jax.vmap <>`_ and `jax.pmap <>`_. Args: axis (Optional[AxisType]): a "named" axis Returns: Self: same object as ``self`` but with ``array`` replaced by the index of ``axis`` i.e., if ``axis`` corresponds to the ``i``-th dimension of ``array``, then ``array`` is replaced by ``i``, if ``axis`` is a flattened axis or simply not present, then ``array`` is replaced by ``None`` """ with jdc.copy_and_mutate(self, validate=False) as jax_tensor: if axis is not None and axis in self.actual_axes: jax_tensor.array = self.reverse_index(axis) # type: ignore[assignment] else: jax_tensor.array = None # type: ignore[assignment] return jax_tensor
[docs] class NonNegativeValues(Protocol): """Interface to be used in combination with :class:`jax_utils.jax_tensor.JaxTensor` in order to implement JAX tensors that are constrained to take non-negative ``values``. Args: array (jnp.ndarray): a JAX array """ array: jnp.ndarray # pylint: disable=C0116 @property def values(self) -> jnp.ndarray: return nn.elu(self.array - 1) + 1 # pylint: disable=C0116
[docs] def reverse_values(self, values: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return jnp.where(values > 1, values, jnp.log(values) + 1)
[docs] class NonNegativeBudgetedValues(NonNegativeValues, Protocol): """Interface to be used in combination with :class:`jax_utils.jax_tensor.JaxTensor` in order to implement JAX tensors that are constrained to both take non-negative ``values`` and have their sum over the last axis bounded by a maximal "budget" (``max_budget``). Args: array (jnp.ndarray): a JAX array max_budget (Number): a non-negative number representing the maximum value that the sum over the last axis can take """ array: jnp.ndarray max_budget: Number @property def values(self) -> jnp.ndarray: return ( self.max_budget * super().values / (super().values.sum(axis=-1)[..., jnp.newaxis] + 1e-6) )[..., :-1]
[docs] def reverse_values(self, values: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: output = jnp.zeros(self.array.shape).at[..., :-1].set(values) output =[..., -1].set(jnp.maximum(self.max_budget - values.sum(axis=-1), 1e-6)) return super().reverse_values(output)
AverageableJaxArrayLike: TypeAlias = AverageableArrayLike[jnp.ndarray] JaxCostType = TypeVar("JaxCostType", bound=AverageableJaxArrayLike) JaxRegularizedCostType = TypeVar("JaxRegularizedCostType", bound=AverageableJaxArrayLike)
[docs] @jdc.pytree_dataclass(frozen=True) class RegularizedJaxCost( RegularizedArrayLikeCost[jnp.ndarray], BaseJaxCompilable, Generic[JaxCostType, JaxRegularizedCostType], ): """Interface for "regularized" JAX costs i.e., costs of the form: ``cost + lagrangian_coefficient * regularization`` Args: cost (JaxCostType): an JAX array of costs regularization (JaxRegularizedCostType): a JAX array of regularization costs lagrangian_coefficient (jdc.Static[Number]): a non-negative number quantifying the regularization weight """ cost: JaxCostType regularization: JaxRegularizedCostType lagrangian_coefficient: jdc.Static[Number] = 1 # type: ignore[assignment]
[docs] @jit_when_compilation_enabled() def mean(self, *args, **kwargs) -> jnp.ndarray: return super().mean(*args, **kwargs)