Source code for jax_utils.typing

"""Define useful types for package"""

from dataclasses import Field, dataclass
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Hashable, List, Optional, Protocol, Tuple, Union

[docs] class DataclassInstance(Protocol): """Type for Python dataclasses (see ``dataclasses.dataclass``). This code is copy-pasted from ``_typeshed`` (but is simpler to import). """ __dataclass_fields__: ClassVar[dict[str, Field[Any]]]
[docs] class HashableIndexingOrSlicing(DataclassInstance, Hashable, Protocol): """Python slices and lists (of indices) are not hashable in Python (slices are hashable for Python version >= 3.12). This is a shared interface for hashable slices and indices. """ @property def values(self) -> Union[slice, int, List[int]]: """ Property returning index values in the form of a slice, an int (for singletons) or a list of int. Returns: Union[slice, int, List[int]]: index values """
[docs] @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class HashableSlicing(HashableIndexingOrSlicing): """Python slices are not hashable for Python version < 3.12. This class allows to define hashable slices. Args: start (Optional[int]): initial value of the slice (included) stop (Optional[int]): last value of the slice (excluded) step (Optional[int]): step between values """ start: Optional[int] = None stop: Optional[int] = None step: Optional[int] = None @property def values(self) -> slice: return slice(self.start, self.stop, self.step) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.start, self.stop, self.step))
[docs] @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True, init=False) class HashableIndexing(HashableIndexingOrSlicing): """Python lists are not hashable. This class allows to define hashable list of indices. Args: indices (Union[int, Tuple[int]]): index or list of (integer-valued) indices """ indices: Union[int, Tuple[int]] def __init__(self, *indices: int): object.__setattr__(self, "indices", tuple(indices) if len(indices) > 1 else indices[0]) @property def values(self) -> Union[int, List[int]]: return self.indices if isinstance(self.indices, int) else list(self.indices) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.indices)