Source code for pytorch_utils.dataset_configurations

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import itertools
from collections import UserList
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# TYPE_CHECKING is False at runtime, but treated as True by type checkers.
# So the Python interpreters won't do pyspark import, but the type checker
# will still understand where it came from!
    import pyspark.sql

    # We do not want to import pyspark at runtime, only when type checking (when building this project).
    # Because we want to get rid as much as possible of unnecessary (heavy) dependencies
    # in order to avoid having to install them too when installing this ML project (ex: for the inference part -> API).

from pytorch_utils.exceptions import InconsistentDatasetConfigurations
from pytorch_utils.logging.loggers import (
from pytorch_utils.pandas.data_formatting import (
# from import MetaDataFrame

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class DataSplitConfig(SingleLoggerDataclassLoggable): """ Configuration used to specify train, validation and test splits. The proportions should all lie in [0,1], with their sum smaller or equal to 1. In case the sum is strictly smaller than 1, only a random subset of the data is used. Attributes ---------- training_proportion : float, default=1. proportion of dataframe to be used as training samples validation_proportion : float, default=0. proportion of dataframe to be used as validation samples test_proportion : float, default=0. proportion of dataframe to be used as test samples random_seed : Optional[int], default=None random seed used for random splitting stratify : Optional[List[str]], default=None list of column names used to stratify the data (see also sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split) """ training_proportion: float = 1.0 validation_proportion: float = 0.0 test_proportion: float = 0.0 random_seed: Optional[int] = None stratify: Optional[List[str]] = None logger: Logger = field(default=VoidLogger(), repr=False, compare=False) def __post_init__(self): # Check attribute values if not 0.0 <= self.training_proportion <= 1.0: raise ValueError("training_proportion should belong to unit interval [0,1]") if not 0.0 <= self.validation_proportion <= 1.0: raise ValueError("validation_proportion should belong to unit interval [0,1]") if not 0.0 <= self.test_proportion <= 1.0: raise ValueError("test_proportion should belong to unit interval [0,1]") if ( not self.training_proportion + self.validation_proportion + self.test_proportion <= 1.0 + 1e-6 ): raise ValueError("The sum of all proportions should be at most 1") # Sort columns used to stratify splits # This ensures that two dataclasses that only differ by the ordering of `stratify` are considered equal object.__setattr__( self, "stratify", sorted(self.stratify) if self.stratify is not None else self.stratify, ) # Make this class comply with Loggable Protocol object.__setattr__(self, "loggers", {"logger": self.logger})
[docs] def train_valid_test_split(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[pd.Index, pd.Index, pd.Index]: def grouped_df(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return ( df.assign( **{ # In case some values in self.stratify are null, # we need to specify dropna=False to pandas groupby method # but this causes some aggregation function (like "sample") to raise # a KeyError. So the alternative method we found is to first # replace null values by values with the same dtype that are not # already present. N.B: this will work for both strings and numeric types. f"{col}_bis_temp": df[col].fillna(df[col].max() * 2) for col in self.stratify } ).groupby(by=[f"{col}_bis_temp" for col in self.stratify]) if self.stratify else df ) training_indices = ( grouped_df(df) .sample(frac=self.training_proportion, random_state=self.random_seed) .index ) val_test_data = df[~df.index.isin(training_indices)] validation_indices = ( grouped_df(val_test_data) .sample( frac=min( self.validation_proportion / (1 - self.training_proportion) if self.validation_proportion > 0 else 0.0, 1.0, ), random_state=self.random_seed, ) .index ) test_data = df[~df.index.isin(training_indices.union(validation_indices))] test_indices = ( grouped_df(test_data) .sample( frac=min( self.test_proportion / (1 - self.training_proportion - self.validation_proportion) if self.test_proportion > 0 else 0.0, 1.0, ), random_state=self.random_seed, ) .index ) return training_indices, validation_indices, test_indices
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class DataAugmentationConfig(SingleLoggerDataclassLoggable): """ Configuration used to specify data augmentation on specific column (`augmented_col`). The idea of this data augmentation is to duplicate the data several times, with only `augmented_col` changed by multiplying the original values with a scaling factor. This can be useful when there is some monotone relationship between a covariate (`augmented_col`) and the success of an event (0=success, 1=event). Attributes ---------- augmented_col : str Name of column to augment scaling_factors : np.ndarray Numpy array of floats corresponding to scaling factors used for data augmentation """ augmented_col: str scaling_factors: np.ndarray = np.array([1.0]) min_value: float = -float("inf") max_value: float = float("inf") logger: Logger = field(default=VoidLogger(), repr=False, compare=False) def __post_init__(self): # Sort scaling factors # This ensures that two dataclasses that only differ by the ordering of `scaling_factors` are considered equal object.__setattr__(self, "scaling_factors", np.sort(self.scaling_factors)) # Make this class comply with Loggable Protocol object.__setattr__(self, "loggers", {"logger": self.logger})
[docs] def augment_data(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.concat( [ self.scale_col( data, scaling_factor, self.augmented_col, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value, ) for scaling_factor in self.scaling_factors ], axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def scaling_filter( data: pd.DataFrame, scaling_factor: np.ndarray, col: str, min_value: float = -float("inf"), max_value: float = float("inf"), ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Filter used to drop scaled values that are outside the range [min_value, max_value]. See method `scale_col`. """ return (data[col] * scaling_factor >= min_value) & (data[col] * scaling_factor <= max_value)
[docs] @staticmethod def scale_col( data: pd.DataFrame, scaling_factor: np.ndarray, col: str, min_value: float = -float("inf"), max_value: float = float("inf"), ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return pandas dataframe identical to `data` with column `col` scaled by `scaling_factor`. The scaled values that are outside the range [min_value, max_value] are dropped. """ scale_filter = DataAugmentationConfig.scaling_filter( data, scaling_factor, col, min_value, max_value ) output_df = data[scale_filter].copy() output_df[col] *= scaling_factor return output_df
[docs] @staticmethod def scaling_length( data: pd.DataFrame, scaling_factor: np.ndarray, col: str, min_value: float = -float("inf"), max_value: float = float("inf"), ) -> int: """ Length of the pandas dataframe obtained when calling method `scale_col` with the exact same input. The implementation does not require explicitly building the dataframe. """ scale_filter = DataAugmentationConfig.scaling_filter( data, scaling_factor, col, min_value, max_value ) return scale_filter.sum()
[docs] def augmentation_length(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> int: """ Length of the pandas dataframe obtained when calling method `augment_data` with the exact same input. The implementation does not require explicitly building the dataframe. """ return sum( [ self.scaling_length( data, scaling_factor, self.augmented_col, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value, ) for scaling_factor in self.scaling_factors ] )
[docs] @use_loggers("logger") def log(self, logger: Logger) -> None: params = asdict(self) del params["logger"] logger.log_params(params)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig(SingleLoggerDataclassLoggable): """ Dataset configuration for augmented Bernoulli samples (binary outcomes: successful or not). There are 2 ways to construct an instance of `AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig`: 1) either by calling the constructor and passing a pandas dataframe (with optional meatada) as input 2) or by calling `class method `from_meta_dataframe` and passing a delta table as input Method 1 is preferred for testing/debugging/prototyping while method 2 is preferred for production and traceable experimentations (clean metadata, etc...). Attributes ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame The Pandas dataframe containing the data. is_success : bool Whether the samples correspond to successful events or not split_config : DataSplitConfig The configuration for splitting between train, validation and test data_augmentation_config : DataAugmentationConfig The configuration for data augmentation metadata : Dict[str, Any], default={} Any information regarding the source data that we wish to track/save """ data: pd.DataFrame = field(repr=False) is_success: bool data_augmentation_config: DataAugmentationConfig split_config: DataSplitConfig = DataSplitConfig() metadata: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) logger: Logger = field(default=VoidLogger(), repr=False, compare=False) def __post_init__(self): # Compute training, validation and test indices ( training_indices, validation_indices, test_indices, ) = self.split_config.train_valid_test_split( # N.B: sorting pandas data according to all columns (sorted in alphabetic order) for reproducibility object.__setattr__( self, "data", ) object.__setattr__(self, "training_indices", training_indices) object.__setattr__(self, "validation_indices", validation_indices) object.__setattr__(self, "test_indices", test_indices) # Make this class comply with Loggable Protocol object.__setattr__(self, "loggers", {"logger": self.logger})
[docs] @classmethod def from_meta_dataframe( cls, meta_df: Any[pyspark.sql.DataFrame], is_success: bool, data_augmentation_config: DataAugmentationConfig, split_config: DataSplitConfig, logger: Logger = VoidLogger(), spark_filter: Optional[str] = None, pandas_formatter: PandasFormatter = PandasIdentityFormatter(), ) -> AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig: """ Use this method to construct an instance of `AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig` directly from a delta table with proper metadata. Attributes ---------- delta_table : delta.tables.DeltaTable The delta table containing the data. To use a previous version of the data, call `restoreToVersion(version: int)` on `delta_table` before passing it to `AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig`. is_success : bool Whether the samples correspond to successful events or not split_config : DataSplitConfig The configuration for splitting between train, validation and test data_augmentation_config : DataAugmentationConfig The configuration for data augmentation pandas_formatter: PandasFormatter Any formatting on pandas data (cast dtypes, etc...). """ metadata = copy.deepcopy(meta_df.metadata) metadata["common_spark_filter"] = spark_filter metadata["pandas_formatter"] = str(pandas_formatter) spark_filter = spark_filter if spark_filter is not None else "True" dataset_config = cls( data=pandas_formatter.format(, is_success=is_success, data_augmentation_config=data_augmentation_config, split_config=split_config, metadata=metadata, logger=logger, ) # Set _pandas_formatter attribute to be able to log info later object.__setattr__(dataset_config, "_pandas_formatter", pandas_formatter) return dataset_config
[docs] def sample(self, n: int, replace: bool = False): return, replace=replace)
@property def training_data(self): return[self.training_indices] @property def training_data_length(self): return len(self.training_indices) @property def validation_data(self): return[self.validation_indices] @property def validation_data_length(self): return len(self.validation_indices) @property def test_data(self): return[self.test_indices] @property def test_data_length(self): return len(self.test_indices) @property def augmented_data(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augment_data( @property def augmented_data_length(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augmentation_length( @property def augmented_training_data(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augment_data(self.training_data) @property def augmented_training_data_length(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augmentation_length(self.training_data) @property def augmented_validation_data(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augment_data(self.validation_data) @property def augmented_validation_data_length(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augmentation_length(self.validation_data) @property def augmented_test_data(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augment_data(self.test_data) @property def augmented_test_data_length(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augmentation_length(self.test_data) @property def augmented_col(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.augmented_col @property def data_augmentation_scaling_factors(self): return self.data_augmentation_config.scaling_factors @property def columns(self): return sorted( @property def dtypes(self): return def __len__(self) -> int: return len(
[docs] def clear_data(self) -> AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig: object.__setattr__(self, "data",[:0]) return self
[docs] @use_loggers("logger") def log(self, logger: Logger) -> None: self.split_config.log() self.data_augmentation_config.log() logger.log_param("metadata", self.metadata) logger.log_param("is_success", self.is_success) logger.log_param("columns", self.columns) logger.log_metrics( { "total_length": len(self), "total_augmented_length": self.augmented_data_length, "training_data_length": self.training_data_length, "augmented_training_data_length": self.augmented_training_data_length, "validation_data_length": self.validation_data_length, "augmented_validation_data_length": self.augmented_validation_data_length, "test_data_length": self.test_data_length, "augmented_test_data_length": self.augmented_test_data_length, } ) logger.log_pandas_artifact(self.dtypes.rename("data_dtypes").to_frame(), "data_dtypes") logger.log_pandas_artifact(, "data_statistics") if hasattr(self, "_pandas_formatter"): _pandas_formatter: PandasFormatter = getattr(self, "_pandas_formatter") _pandas_formatter.log()
[docs] class AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfigs(UserList): def __init__( self, augmented_bernoulli_dataset_configs=List[AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig], label_col: str = "success_labels", labels_dtype: Type[np.intc] = np.int32, sample_weight_col: Optional[str] = None, logger: Logger = VoidLogger(), ): List[AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig] = augmented_bernoulli_dataset_configs self.label_col = label_col self.labels_dtype = labels_dtype self.sample_weight_col = sample_weight_col self.check_compatibility() self.loggers = {"logger": logger} # make this class comply with Loggable Protocol
[docs] def check_compatibility(self) -> None: if len( == 0: raise InconsistentDatasetConfigurations( "`augmented_bernoulli_dataset_configs` should have at least one element" ) elif len( > 1: if self.sample_weight_col and not all( [self.sample_weight_col in conf.columns for conf in] ): raise InconsistentDatasetConfigurations( "All instances of `AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig` should have column `sample_weight_col`." ) if not all( [[0].augmented_col == conf.augmented_col for conf in[1:]] ): raise InconsistentDatasetConfigurations( "All instances of `AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig` should have " + "the same attribute `augmented_col`." ) if not all([set([0].columns) == set(conf.columns) for conf in[1:]]): raise InconsistentDatasetConfigurations( "All instances of `AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig` should have the same `columns`." ) if not all([([0].dtypes == conf.dtypes).all() for conf in[1:]]): raise InconsistentDatasetConfigurations( "All instances of `AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfig` should have the same `dtypes`." )
@property def augmented_col(self): return[0].augmented_col @property def columns(self): return[0].columns @property def dtypes(self): return[0].dtypes def _concat_data(self, list_df: List[pd.DataFrame], list_labels: List[bool]) -> pd.DataFrame: output_df = pd.concat( [df for df in list_df if len(df) > 0], axis=0, sort=True, ) output_df[self.label_col] = list( itertools.chain(*[[label] * len(df) for df, label in zip(list_df, list_labels)]) ) return output_df.astype({self.label_col: self.labels_dtype})
[docs] def sample(self, n: int, replace: bool = False): return self._concat_data( [conf_df.sample(n, replace=replace) for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ).sample(n, replace=replace)
@property def all_data(self): return self._concat_data( [ for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ) @property def all_data_length(self): return sum([len(conf_df) for conf_df in]) @property def all_training_data(self): return self._concat_data( [conf_df.training_data for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ) @property def all_training_data_length(self): return sum([conf_df.training_data_length for conf_df in]) @property def all_validation_data(self): return self._concat_data( [conf_df.validation_data for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ) @property def all_validation_data_length(self): return sum([conf_df.validation_data_length for conf_df in]) @property def all_test_data(self): return self._concat_data( [conf_df.test_data for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ) @property def all_test_data_length(self): return sum([conf_df.test_data_length for conf_df in]) @property def all_augmented_data(self): return self._concat_data( [conf_df.augmented_data for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ) @property def all_augmented_data_length(self): return sum([conf_df.augmented_data_length for conf_df in]) @property def all_augmented_training_data(self): return self._concat_data( [conf_df.augmented_training_data for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ) @property def all_augmented_training_data_length(self): return sum([conf_df.augmented_training_data_length for conf_df in]) @property def all_augmented_validation_data(self): return self._concat_data( [conf_df.augmented_validation_data for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ) @property def all_augmented_validation_data_length(self): return sum([conf_df.augmented_validation_data_length for conf_df in]) @property def all_augmented_test_data(self): return self._concat_data( [conf_df.augmented_test_data for conf_df in], [conf_df.is_success for conf_df in], ) @property def all_augmented_test_data_length(self): return sum([conf_df.augmented_test_data_length for conf_df in])
[docs] def clear_data(self) -> AugmentedBernoulliDatasetConfigs: = [d.clear_data() for d in] self.check_compatibility() return self
[docs] @use_loggers("logger") def log(self, logger: Logger) -> None: for conf in conf.log() logger.log_param("label_col", self.label_col) logger.log_param("sample_weight_col", self.sample_weight_col) logger.log_param("augmented_col", self.augmented_col) logger.log_param("columns", self.columns) logger.log_metrics( { "all_data_length": self.all_data_length, "all_augmented_data_length": self.all_augmented_data_length, "all_training_data_length": self.all_training_data_length, "all_augmented_training_data_length": self.all_augmented_training_data_length, "all_validation_data_length": self.all_validation_data_length, "all_augmented_validation_data_length": self.all_augmented_validation_data_length, "all_test_data_length": self.all_test_data_length, "all_augmented_test_data_length": self.all_augmented_test_data_length, } ) logger.log_pandas_artifact(self.dtypes.rename("data_dtypes").to_frame(), "data_dtypes")