Source code for pytorch_utils.exceptions

[docs] class MLError(Exception): """ Exception class from which every exception in this library will derive. It enables other projects using this library to catch all errors coming from the library with a single "except" statement """ pass
[docs] class CatalogError(MLError): """ Raised when the catalog is not valid """ pass
[docs] class InvalidDataFormatError(MLError): """ Raised when the catalog is not valid """ pass
[docs] class LocalDirNotWriteableException(MLError): """ Raised when the local directory is not writeable """ pass
[docs] class MissingConfigFileException(MLError): """ Raised when a given configuration file cannot be found """ pass
[docs] class BadCLIParameterException(MLError): """ Raised when there is an issue with a parameter in the CLI (commnand-line interface) """ pass
[docs] class BadConfigException(MLError): """ Raised when a configuration file cannot be loaded, for instance due to wrong syntax or poor formatting. """ pass
[docs] class BadConfigLogLevelException(BadConfigException): """ Raised when the log level (`log_level`) does not exist """ pass
[docs] class BadConfigSparkMasterException(BadConfigException): """ Raised when the Spark master (`spark_master`) is not valid """ pass
[docs] class BadConfigPathException(BadConfigException): """ Raised when the configuration path parameter (`conf_path`) does not contain at least a directory/path where to find configuration files """ pass
[docs] class BadConfigMissingInputException(BadConfigException): """ Raised when the 'input_data'/{'products', 'transactions'} file-path is missing """ pass
[docs] class BadConfigMissingOutputException(BadConfigException): """ Raised when the 'output_data'/'transactions' file-path is missing """ pass
[docs] class TaskNotFoundError(MLError): """Raised when task name is not found in entrypoints"""
[docs] class MissingDatasetError(MLError): """Raised when a dataset is not found in the catalog""" pass
[docs] class DataSetError(MLError): """Raised when there is an issue with a dataset""" pass
[docs] class MissingConfigException(MLError): """Raised when a configuration is missing""" pass
[docs] class BadConfigFormatException(MLError): """Raised when a configuration is not formatted correctly""" pass
[docs] class InconsistentDatasetConfigurations(MLError): """ Raised when several inconsistent dataset configurations are being used to build a dataset. """ pass
[docs] class NotMonotone(MLError): """ Raised when some outputs are not a monotone function of some inputs. """ pass
[docs] class NotNonDecreasing(MLError): """ Raised when some outputs are not an non-decreasing function of some inputs. """ pass
[docs] class NotNonIncreasing(MLError): """ Raised when some outputs are not an non-increasing function of some inputs. """ pass