Source code for pytorch_utils.modules

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
from dataclasses import dataclass
from inspect import signature
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import as px
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from pytorch_utils.data_modules import (
from pytorch_utils.utils import (

[docs] class LinearNonNeg(nn.Linear): """ Alternative linear layer with nonnegative weights (bias unchanged). This ensures the outputs are always a non-decreasing function of the inputs (no matter the values of parameters `self.weight` and `self.bias`, which may vary during training). The easiest way to implement this class with minimal code is to subclass `torch.nn.Linear` and apply a positive transformation (namely `torch.nn.functional.elu` shifted by 1) to the weights before applying the linear transformation in the `forward` method. """
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return nn.functional.linear( input, torch.nn.functional.elu( # this is the only difference with the original torch.nn.Linear module self.weight, alpha=1.0, inplace=False ) + 1, self.bias, )
[docs] class BatchNorm1dNonNeg(nn.BatchNorm1d): """ Alternative batch normalization with nonnegative weights (bias unchanged). This ensures the outputs are always a non-decreasing function of the inputs when `` (no matter the values of parameters `self.weight` and `self.bias`, which may vary during training). The easiest way to implement this class with minimal code is to subclass `torch.nn.BatchNorm1d` and apply a positive transformation (namely `torch.nn.functional.elu` shifted by 1) to the weights before applying the batch norm transformation in the `forward` method. """
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: self._check_input_dim(input) # exponential_average_factor is set to self.momentum # (when it is available) only so that it gets updated # in ONNX graph when this node is exported to ONNX. if self.momentum is None: exponential_average_factor = 0.0 else: exponential_average_factor = self.momentum if and self.track_running_stats: # TODO: if statement only here to tell the jit to skip emitting this when it is None if self.num_batches_tracked is not None: # type: ignore[has-type] self.num_batches_tracked.add_(1) # type: ignore[has-type] if self.momentum is None: # use cumulative moving average exponential_average_factor = 1.0 / float(self.num_batches_tracked) else: # use exponential moving average exponential_average_factor = self.momentum r""" Decide whether the mini-batch stats should be used for normalization rather than the buffers. Mini-batch stats are used in training mode, and in eval mode when buffers are None. """ if bn_training = True else: bn_training = (self.running_mean is None) and (self.running_var is None) r""" Buffers are only updated if they are to be tracked and we are in training mode. Thus they only need to be passed when the update should occur (i.e. in training mode when they are tracked), or when buffer stats are used for normalization (i.e. in eval mode when buffers are not None). """ return torch.nn.functional.batch_norm( input, # If buffers are not to be tracked, ensure that they won't be updated self.running_mean if not or self.track_running_stats else None, self.running_var if not or self.track_running_stats else None, torch.nn.functional.elu( # this is the only difference with the original torch.nn.Linear module self.weight, alpha=1.0, inplace=False ) + 1, self.bias, bn_training, exponential_average_factor, self.eps, )
[docs] class LinearSemiNonNeg(nn.Module): """ Alternative linear layer combining a standard linear layer (`torch.nn.Linear`) together with a `LinearNonNeg` layer (by summing the two). The outputs are always a non-decreasing function of the inputs named `non_neg_inputs_name` (no matter the weights and biases). The outputs are not necessarily monotone w.r.t. the inputs named `other_inputs_name`. """ def __init__( self, in_features_non_neg, in_features_others, out_features, non_neg_inputs_name="non_neg_inputs", other_inputs_name="other_inputs", ): super().__init__() self.in_features_non_neg = in_features_non_neg self.in_features_others = in_features_others self.out_features = out_features self.non_neg_inputs_name = non_neg_inputs_name self.other_inputs_name = other_inputs_name self.linear_non_neg = LinearNonNeg( in_features=self.in_features_non_neg, out_features=self.out_features, bias=False, # duplicating biases is useless ) self.linear_others = nn.Linear( in_features=self.in_features_others, out_features=self.out_features, bias=True, )
[docs] def forward(self, input: NamedTorchTensors): return self.linear_non_neg(input[self.non_neg_inputs_name]) + self.linear_others( input[self.other_inputs_name] )
[docs] class BiLinearSemiNonNeg(nn.Module): def __init__( self, in_features_non_neg, in_features_others, out_features_non_neg, out_features_others, non_neg_inputs_name="non_neg_inputs", other_inputs_name="other_inputs", ): """ Yet another custom layer that concatenates a standard linear layer (`torch.nn.Linear`) together with a `LinearNonNeg` layer (keeping the two layers separate). """ super().__init__() self.in_features_non_neg = in_features_non_neg self.in_features_others = in_features_others self.out_features_non_neg = out_features_non_neg self.out_features_others = out_features_others self.non_neg_inputs_name = non_neg_inputs_name self.other_inputs_name = other_inputs_name self.linear_semi_non_neg = LinearSemiNonNeg( in_features_non_neg=self.in_features_non_neg, in_features_others=self.in_features_others, out_features=self.out_features_non_neg, non_neg_inputs_name=self.non_neg_inputs_name, other_inputs_name=self.other_inputs_name, ) self.linear = nn.Linear( in_features=self.in_features_others, out_features=self.out_features_others, bias=True, )
[docs] def forward(self, input: NamedTorchTensors): return { self.other_inputs_name: self.linear(input[self.other_inputs_name]), self.non_neg_inputs_name: self.linear_semi_non_neg(input), }
[docs] class Partitioned(nn.Module): """ Unlike `torch.nn.Sequential` wich “chains” outputs to inputs sequentially for each module in a provided list, this module simultaneously transforms every partition of the input in parallel using the corresponding module. The difference between `torch.nn.Sequential` and `Partitioned` is similar to the difference between a series and parallel electric circuit. """ def __init__(self, **module_partitions: nn.Module): super().__init__() self.modules_dict = nn.ModuleDict(module_partitions)
[docs] def forward(self, input_partitions: NamedTorchTensors): return {k: module(input_partitions[k]) for k, module in self.modules_dict.items()}
[docs] class ShiftedEmbedding(nn.Embedding): """ Custom embedding module that shifts all indices by 1. The original `torch.nn.Embedding` layer only accepts non-negative integers as inputs. This custom layer accepts non-negative integers and -1 as inputs. This is useful when -1 is used to encode unknown and/or missing values (i.e., using a sklearn.preprocessing.OrdinalEncoder with unknown_value=-1 and/or encoded_missing_value=-1). The easiest way to implement this class with minimal code is to subclass `torch.nn.Embedding` and shift the inputs by 1 in `forward` method. """
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return nn.functional.embedding( 1 + input, # this is the only difference with the original torch.nn.Embedding module self.weight, self.padding_idx, self.max_norm, self.norm_type, self.scale_grad_by_freq, self.sparse, )
[docs] class MeanImputationEmbedding(nn.Embedding): """ Custom embedding module that applies "mean imputation" when inputs negative. The original `torch.nn.Embedding` layer only accepts non-negative integers as inputs. This custom layer also accepts negative integers as inputs. This is useful when for instance -1 is used to encode unknown and/or missing values (i.e., using a sklearn.preprocessing.OrdinalEncoder with unknown_value=-1 and/or encoded_missing_value=-1). When a negative input is provided, all embeddings are averaged (form of "mean imputation"). """
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.where( (input > -1)[..., None], nn.functional.embedding( nn.ReLU()(input), self.weight, self.padding_idx, self.max_norm, self.norm_type, self.scale_grad_by_freq, self.sparse, ), nn.functional.embedding( torch.tensor([0], device=input.device), self.weight.mean(dim=0)[None, ...], self.padding_idx, self.max_norm, self.norm_type, self.scale_grad_by_freq, self.sparse, ), )
[docs] class MonotoneBernoulliProbability(pl.LightningModule): """ Predicts the probability of success of an event conditioned on some features. The structure of the neural network enforces that the predicted probability is a monotone (i.e., non-decreasing and/or non-increasing) function of some specified features. `optimizer_params` should at least contain the keys `class` and `lr` Two ways of doing inference: - use `self.predict` directly - use method `predict` of `pytorch_lightning.Trainer` """ module_scope: str def __init__( self, real_features_non_decreasing: List[str], real_features_non_increasing: List[str], real_features_non_monotone: List[str], categorical_feature_embeddings: List[CategoricalFeatureEmbedding] = [], hidden_sizes_monotone: List[int] = [], hidden_sizes_non_monotone: List[int] = [], polynomial_real_features_expansions: Dict[str, List[int]] = dict(), activation_layer_monotone: Type[torch.nn.Module] = nn.ReLU, activation_layer_non_monotone: Type[torch.nn.Module] = nn.ReLU, normalization_layer_monotone: Type[torch.nn.Module] = BatchNorm1dNonNeg, normalization_layer_non_monotone: Type[torch.nn.Module] = nn.BatchNorm1d, dropout_rate_monotone: int = 0, dropout_rate_non_monotone: int = 0, optim_criterion_params: Dict[str, Any] = { "class": nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss, }, optimizer_params: Dict[str, Any] = { "class": torch.optim.Adam, "lr": 0.001, "betas": (0.9, 0.999), "eps": 1e-08, }, validation_metrics: NamedTorchMetrics = {}, test_metrics: NamedTorchMetrics = {}, ): super().__init__() # Check inputs # ------------------- if set(real_features_non_decreasing).intersection(real_features_non_increasing): raise ValueError( "real_features_non_decreasing and real_features_non_increasing must be disjoint" ) if set(real_features_non_decreasing).intersection(real_features_non_monotone): raise ValueError( "real_features_non_decreasing and real_features_non_monotone must be disjoint" ) if set(real_features_non_increasing).intersection(real_features_non_monotone): raise ValueError( "real_features_non_increasing and real_features_non_monotone must be disjoint" ) if not set(polynomial_real_features_expansions.keys()).issubset( set(real_features_non_decreasing) .union(real_features_non_increasing) .union(real_features_non_monotone) ): raise ValueError( """features in polynomial_real_features_expansions should belong to either real_features_non_decreasing or real_features_non_increasing or real_features_non_monotone""" ) for feat, degrees in polynomial_real_features_expansions.items(): for degree in degrees: if degree <= 1: raise ValueError("all degrees of polynom expansions should be > 1") if ( (feat in real_features_non_decreasing) or (feat in real_features_non_increasing) ) and degree % 2 == 0: raise ValueError( """the degrees of polynom expansions should be odd integers for monotone (i.e., non-decreasing or non-increasing) features so as to preserve monotonicity""" ) # Features # ------------------- self.real_features_non_decreasing = real_features_non_decreasing self.real_features_non_increasing = real_features_non_increasing self.real_features_monotone = ( self.real_features_non_decreasing + self.real_features_non_increasing ) self.real_features_non_monotone = real_features_non_monotone self.polynomial_real_features_expansions = polynomial_real_features_expansions self.categorical_feature_embeddings = sorted(categorical_feature_embeddings) # type: ignore self.categorical_features = [f.feature_name for f in self.categorical_feature_embeddings] self.size_real_features_non_decreasing = len(self.real_features_non_decreasing) + sum( [ len(degrees) for feat, degrees in self.polynomial_real_features_expansions.items() if feat in self.real_features_non_decreasing ] ) self.size_real_features_non_increasing = len(self.real_features_non_increasing) + sum( [ len(degrees) for feat, degrees in self.polynomial_real_features_expansions.items() if feat in self.real_features_non_increasing ] ) self.size_real_features_monotone = ( self.size_real_features_non_decreasing + self.size_real_features_non_increasing ) self.size_real_features_non_monotone = len(self.real_features_non_monotone) + sum( [ len(degrees) for feat, degrees in self.polynomial_real_features_expansions.items() if feat in self.real_features_non_monotone ] ) self.size_embeddings = sum(map(lambda x: x.embedding_size, categorical_feature_embeddings)) self.size_features = ( self.size_real_features_monotone + self.size_real_features_non_monotone + self.size_embeddings ) self._monotone_feat_name = "monotone_features" self._non_monotone_feat_name = "non_monotone_features" # Neural nets # ------------------- self.hidden_sizes_monotone = hidden_sizes_monotone self.hidden_sizes_non_monotone = hidden_sizes_non_monotone self.activation_layer_monotone = activation_layer_monotone self.activation_layer_non_monotone = activation_layer_non_monotone self.normalization_layer_monotone = normalization_layer_monotone self.normalization_layer_non_monotone = normalization_layer_non_monotone self.dropout_rate_monotone = dropout_rate_monotone self.dropout_rate_non_monotone = dropout_rate_non_monotone self._build_neural_nets() # Optimization # ------------------- self.optim_criterion_params = optim_criterion_params self._build_optim_criterion() self.optimizer_params = optimizer_params # Metrics # ------------------- # Cloning the metrics is safer: modular metrics contain internal states that # should belong to only one DataLoader, it is recommended to initialize a separate modular metric instances # for each DataLoader and in particular use separate metrics for training, validation and testing # see: # modular%20metrics%20contain%20internal%20states#common-pitfalls self.validation_metrics = self._clone_metrics(validation_metrics) self.test_metrics = self._clone_metrics(test_metrics) # Save hyper-parameters # ------------------- self.save_hyperparameters() # saves all constructor params by default @property def learning_rate(self) -> float: return self.optimizer_params["lr"] @learning_rate.setter def learning_rate(self, learning_rate) -> None: """ Updates learning rate (useful to apply `pytorch_lightning.trainer.Trainer.tune.lr_find`) """ self.optimizer_params.update({"lr": learning_rate})
[docs] def forward(self, x: NamedTorchTensors) -> torch.Tensor: return self._forward_from_logits(self._logits(x))
def _forward_from_logits(self, logits: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self.final_sigmoid_layer(logits)
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): optimizer_class = self.optimizer_params.pop("class") try: optimizer = optimizer_class(self.parameters(), **self.optimizer_params) finally: self.optimizer_params["class"] = optimizer_class return optimizer
@staticmethod def _clone_metrics(metrics: NamedTorchMetrics) -> nn.ModuleDict: return nn.ModuleDict( {metric_name: metric.clone() for metric_name, metric in metrics.items()} ) def _shared_step( self, batch: BatchTorchTensors, batch_idx: int, ) -> Tuple[NamedTorchTensors, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, int]: features, targets, weights = batch batch_size = len(targets) logits = self._logits(features) preds = self._forward_from_logits(logits) loss = torch.mean( self.optim_criterion(logits, targets.float()) * (weights if weights is not None else 1) ) return features, targets, weights, preds, loss, batch_size # type: ignore def _evaluate_metrics( self, metrics: NamedTorchMetrics, preds: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, weights: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> None: for metric in metrics.values(): if weights is None or len(signature(metric.update).parameters) < 4: metric(preds, targets) else: metric(preds, targets, weights)
[docs] def training_step(self, batch: BatchTorchTensors, batch_idx: int) -> torch.Tensor: _, _, _, _, loss, batch_size = self._shared_step(batch, batch_idx) # type: ignore self.log( "training_loss", loss, # type: ignore batch_size=batch_size, # type: ignore on_step=True, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, ) return loss # type: ignore
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch: BatchTorchTensors, batch_idx: int) -> torch.Tensor: _, targets, weights, preds, loss, batch_size = self._shared_step(batch, batch_idx) # type: ignore self.log( "validation_loss", loss, # type: ignore batch_size=batch_size, # type: ignore on_step=False, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, ) if self.validation_metrics: self._evaluate_metrics(self.validation_metrics, preds, targets, weights) # type: ignore self.log_dict( self.validation_metrics, # type: ignore batch_size=batch_size, # type: ignore on_step=False, on_epoch=True, ) return loss # type: ignore
[docs] def test_step(self, batch: BatchTorchTensors, batch_idx: int) -> torch.Tensor: _, targets, weights, preds, loss, batch_size = self._shared_step(batch, batch_idx) # type: ignore self.log( "test_loss", loss, # type: ignore batch_size=batch_size, # type: ignore on_step=False, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, ) if self.test_metrics: self._evaluate_metrics(self.test_metrics, preds, targets, weights) # type: ignore self.log_dict( self.test_metrics, # type: ignore batch_size=batch_size, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, ) return loss # type: ignore
[docs] def predict_step( self, batch: NamedTorchTensors, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int = 0 ) -> torch.Tensor: return self(batch)
def _to_self_device(self, x: NamedTorchTensors): return {feat: x[feat] for feat in x} # type: ignore
[docs] def predict( self, features: NamedTorchTensors, ) -> torch.Tensor: training = try: self.train(False) with torch.no_grad(): predictions = self.predict_step( self._to_self_device(features), batch_idx=0, ) finally: self.train(training) return predictions
[docs] def predict_from_pandas( self, features: pd.DataFrame, data_module: AugmentedBernoulliDataModule, scaling_factors: np.ndarray = np.array([1.0]), min_augmented_value: float = -float("inf"), max_augmented_value: float = float("inf"), ) -> torch.Tensor: return self.predict( data_module.augment_transform_to_tensors( # type: ignore features, scaling_factors, min_augmented_value, max_augmented_value, ) )
def _polynom_expansion(self, x: NamedTorchTensors) -> List[torch.Tensor]: return list( itertools.chain( *[ [x[feat] ** degree for degree in degrees] for feat, degrees in self.polynomial_real_features_expansions.items() if feat in x ] ) ) def _logits(self, x: NamedTorchTensors) -> torch.Tensor: # Encode categorical features into embeddings # ------------------- categorical_embeddings = ( [[t for t in self.categorical_embeddings_net(x).values()], dim=1)] if len(self.categorical_feature_embeddings) > 0 else [] ) # Polynom expansions of real features # ------------------- non_monotone_polynom_expansions = self._polynom_expansion( {feat: x[feat] for feat in x if feat in self.real_features_non_monotone} ) monotone_polynom_expansions = self._polynom_expansion( { feat: (x[feat] if feat in self.real_features_non_decreasing else torch.neg(x[feat])) for feat in x if feat in self.real_features_monotone } ) # Apply core layers # ------------------- non_monotone_features = categorical_embeddings + [x[feat] for feat in self.real_features_non_monotone] + non_monotone_polynom_expansions, dim=1, ) monotone_features = [x[feat] for feat in self.real_features_non_decreasing] + [torch.neg(x[feat]) for feat in self.real_features_non_increasing] + monotone_polynom_expansions, dim=1, ) intermediate_outputs = self.core_sequential_layers( { self._monotone_feat_name: monotone_features, self._non_monotone_feat_name: non_monotone_features, } ) # Apply missing layers # ------------------- logits = self.final_linear_layer( { self._monotone_feat_name: self.missing_sequential_layers_monotone( intermediate_outputs[self._monotone_feat_name] ), self._non_monotone_feat_name: self.missing_sequential_layers_non_monotone( intermediate_outputs[self._non_monotone_feat_name] ), } ) return logits.view(-1) def _build_optim_criterion(self) -> None: optim_criterion_class = self.optim_criterion_params.pop("class") try: self.optim_criterion = optim_criterion_class(**self.optim_criterion_params) finally: self.optim_criterion_params["class"] = optim_criterion_class def _build_neural_nets(self) -> None: # Embeddings for categorical features # ------------------- self._build_categorical_embeddings() # Core sequential layers # ------------------- self._build_core_sequential_layers() # Missing layers # ------------------- self._build_missing_layers() # Final layer # ------------------- self._build_final_layer() def _build_categorical_embeddings(self) -> None: self.categorical_embeddings_net = Partitioned( **{ cat_feat_emb.feature_name: MeanImputationEmbedding( # ShiftedEmbedding( num_embeddings=cat_feat_emb.nb_distinct_values, embedding_dim=cat_feat_emb.embedding_size, ) for cat_feat_emb in self.categorical_feature_embeddings } ) def _build_core_sequential_layers(self) -> None: self.core_sequential_layers = nn.Sequential( *[ nn.Sequential( BiLinearSemiNonNeg( in_features_non_neg=in_monotone, in_features_others=in_non_monotone, out_features_non_neg=out_monotone, out_features_others=out_non_monotone, non_neg_inputs_name=self._monotone_feat_name, other_inputs_name=self._non_monotone_feat_name, ), Partitioned( **{ self._monotone_feat_name: self.activation_layer_monotone(), self._non_monotone_feat_name: self.activation_layer_non_monotone(), } ), Partitioned( **{ self._monotone_feat_name: nn.Dropout(p=self.dropout_rate_monotone), self._non_monotone_feat_name: nn.Dropout( p=self.dropout_rate_non_monotone ), } ), Partitioned( **{ self._monotone_feat_name: self.normalization_layer_monotone( out_monotone ), self._non_monotone_feat_name: self.normalization_layer_non_monotone( out_non_monotone ), } ), ) for in_non_monotone, out_non_monotone, in_monotone, out_monotone in zip( [self.size_real_features_non_monotone + self.size_embeddings] + self.hidden_sizes_non_monotone[:-1], self.hidden_sizes_non_monotone, [self.size_real_features_monotone] + self.hidden_sizes_monotone[:-1], self.hidden_sizes_monotone, ) ] ) def _build_missing_layers(self) -> None: # Monotone layers nb_missing_layers_monotone = max( len(self.hidden_sizes_monotone) - len(self.core_sequential_layers), 0 ) self.missing_sequential_layers_monotone = nn.Sequential( *[ nn.Sequential( LinearNonNeg(in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features), self.activation_layer_monotone(), nn.Dropout(p=self.dropout_rate_monotone), self.normalization_layer_monotone(out_features), ) for in_features, out_features in zip( self.hidden_sizes_monotone[-nb_missing_layers_monotone - 1 : -1], self.hidden_sizes_monotone[-nb_missing_layers_monotone:], ) ] ) # Non_monotone layers nb_missing_layers_non_monotone = max( len(self.hidden_sizes_non_monotone) - len(self.core_sequential_layers), 0 ) self.missing_sequential_layers_non_monotone = nn.Sequential( *[ nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features), self.activation_layer_non_monotone(), nn.Dropout(p=self.dropout_rate_non_monotone), self.normalization_layer_non_monotone(out_features), ) for in_features, out_features in zip( self.hidden_sizes_non_monotone[-nb_missing_layers_non_monotone - 1 : -1], self.hidden_sizes_non_monotone[-nb_missing_layers_non_monotone:], ) ] ) def _build_final_layer(self) -> None: self.final_linear_layer = LinearSemiNonNeg( in_features_non_neg=( self.hidden_sizes_monotone[-1] if len(self.hidden_sizes_monotone) > 0 else self.size_real_features_monotone ), in_features_others=( self.hidden_sizes_non_monotone[-1] if len(self.hidden_sizes_non_monotone) > 0 else self.size_real_features_non_monotone + self.size_embeddings ), out_features=1, non_neg_inputs_name=self._monotone_feat_name, other_inputs_name=self._non_monotone_feat_name, ) self.final_sigmoid_layer = nn.Sigmoid()
[docs] def probability_mapping( self, data_module: AugmentedBernoulliDataModule, other_features: pd.DataFrame, min_value: float, max_value: float, nb_points: int = 100, trainer: Optional[pl.Trainer] = None, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: """ Computes the mapping between covariate `data_module.augmented_col` and the predicted probability of the neural network on the closed interval `[min_value, max_value]`, all `other_features` being fixed. The mapping is discretized into `nb_points` points. There are two ways to use this function: - call with `trainer=None` => method `self.predict` is used directly for inference - call with `trainer=pytorch_lightning.Trainer(...)` => method `predict` of `pytorch_lightning.Trainer` is used for inference """ other_features = other_features.copy() # make a copy before making modifications nb_samples = len(other_features) real_feature_values = np.array( [min_value + (max_value - min_value) * i / (nb_points - 1) for i in range(nb_points)], dtype=np.float32, ) other_features[data_module.augmented_col] = np.array(1, dtype=np.float32) if trainer: data_module.prediction_df = other_features data_module.prediction_scaling_factors = real_feature_values self.prediction_min_augmented_value = min_value self.prediction_max_augmented_value = max_value bb_conversion_proba =, data_module)) # type: ignore else: bb_conversion_proba = self.predict_from_pandas( features=other_features, data_module=data_module, scaling_factors=real_feature_values, min_augmented_value=min_value, max_augmented_value=max_value, ) other_features.drop(columns=[data_module.augmented_col], inplace=True) return ( other_features, real_feature_values, torch.transpose(bb_conversion_proba.view(nb_points, nb_samples), dim0=0, dim1=1), )
[docs] def assert_monotone_probability( self, data_module: AugmentedBernoulliDataModule, other_features: pd.DataFrame, non_decreasing: bool, min_value: float, max_value: float, nb_points: int = 100, trainer: Optional[pl.Trainer] = None, error_message: str = "", ): ( other_features, real_feature_values, bb_conversion_proba, ) = self.probability_mapping( data_module=data_module, other_features=other_features, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, nb_points=nb_points, trainer=trainer, ) assert_monotone( inputs=real_feature_values, outputs=bb_conversion_proba.numpy(force=True), non_decreasing=non_decreasing, error_message=error_message, )
[docs] def plot_probability_mapping( self, data_module: AugmentedBernoulliDataModule, other_features: pd.DataFrame, min_value: float, max_value: float, nb_points: int = 100, x_title: str = "Covariate", y_title: str = "Predicted probability", title: str = "Evolution of the predicted probability as a function of the covariate", trainer: Optional[pl.Trainer] = None, ) -> plotly.graph_objects.Figure: """ Plots the mapping between covariate `data_module.augmented_col` and the predicted probability of the neural network on the closed interval `[min_value, max_value]`, all `other_features` being fixed. The mapping is discretized into `nb_points` points. There are two ways to use this function: - call with `trainer=None` => method `self.predict` is used directly for inference - call with `trainer=pytorch_lightning.Trainer(...)` => method `predict` of `pytorch_lightning.Trainer` is used for inference """ ( other_features, real_feature_values, bb_conversion_proba, ) = self.probability_mapping( data_module=data_module, other_features=other_features, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, nb_points=nb_points, trainer=trainer, ) nb_samples = len(other_features) informative_features = [ f for f in data_module.output_features if f not in [data_module.augmented_col] ] other_features.index.names = ["Sample"] df = other_features.loc[ np.repeat(other_features.index, nb_points), informative_features ].reset_index(drop=False) # , names="Sample" df[x_title] = list(real_feature_values) * nb_samples df[y_title] = bb_conversion_proba.reshape(-1).numpy(force=True) fig = px.line( df, x=x_title, y=y_title, color="Sample", title=title, hover_data=informative_features, ) fig.update_layout(hovermode="closest") return fig
Module = TypeVar("Module", bound=MonotoneBernoulliProbability) DataModule = TypeVar("DataModule", bound=AugmentedBernoulliDataModule)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ProbabilityPredictor(Generic[Module, DataModule]): """ Just a pair `(MonotoneBernoulliProbability, AugmentedBernoulliDataModule)` with useful methods such as `predict_from_pandas`. """ module: Module data_module: DataModule
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_checkpoint( cls, checkpoint_path: str, module_class: Type[Module] = MonotoneBernoulliProbability, data_module_class: Type[DataModule] = AugmentedBernoulliDataModule, # type: ignore clear_data: bool = False, # allows to save memory (clears training/validation/test data) compile_module: bool = False, # allows to speed up inference on GPU compilation_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs, ) -> ProbabilityPredictor: data_module = data_module_class.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, **kwargs) module = module_class.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, **kwargs) proba_predictor = cls( module=torch.compile(module, **compilation_kwargs) if compile_module else module, data_module=data_module, ) return proba_predictor.clear_data() if clear_data else proba_predictor
[docs] def clear_data(self) -> ProbabilityPredictor[Module, DataModule]: self.data_module.clear_data() return self
[docs] def predict_from_pandas( self, context: pd.DataFrame, ) -> np.ndarray: return self.module.predict( self.data_module.transform_to_tensors(context) # type: ignore ).numpy(force=True)